Sunday, September 25, 2011

My relationship with God

My relationship with God is something I cannot comprehend, it is one of grace and love and undeserved forgiveness beyond my understanding.  The fact that God, creator of the ends of the earth, wants to know my heart intimately and wants to show me his love just baffles me.  It is a constant struggle to focus more on the joy that comes from that love than questioning the reason for it... because I am so inadequate and undeserving.  I see myself weighed down by trash, entangled by sin, and burdened with guilt... and Christ, perfect and pure, clean and flawless.  But what awes and astounds me is that Christ willingly comes to me and touches me in my impurity taking all my shame and sin on himself and trading his robe of righteousness for my cloak of filth.  To me, a gift so great as that leaves me no choice but to live in the light of forgiveness and freedom found in releasing my burdens to Christ.  Day by day, I'm learning to surrender myself, my desires, my dreams, and lean wholly on Christ, who is perfecting me through every struggle.  I want my life to be a sweet aroma to the Lover of my soul, not needing to be ashamed, but to become someone who glorifies Christ in every aspect of my being.  I owe everything to Christ, he fights for me and pursues me through my insecurities and sin.  I reach for God and fall short, but I am forever grateful that he is always there reaching down to me and never letting go.