Friday, August 26, 2011

Foggy Days

Well, I haven't written in forever... ya know how life just has those crazy times, right now is definitely one of them.

It is Friday morning around 7:30 and I'm sitting here looking out the window and spending some time with God, as I normally do at this time.  One of my most favorite things about Virginia is the mountains... I have the perfect view of them from my dorm room.  I love dark blue silhouetted against the sky and the contrasting green leaves perfectly framing the view.  My favorite thing in the world is watching the sunset, and seeing it sink over the mountains lighting up the sky and clouds with deep colors of purple and orange and reds, just fills me with awe and wonder at the One who paints the breathtaking scene.  But sometimes, like this morning, it's so foggy, I can't even tell the mountains exist.  And it is almost a lonely feeling because I'm so accustomed to seeing them so clearly on the horizon.  But at the same time, I know that no matter how hidden those mountains are, they are still there, and when the fog lifts, they will be more beautiful than ever.  It reminds me of God and faith... so many times, there is fog in my life and I can't see God and I feel alone and afraid and blind.  But I know that He is there, unchanging and faithful.  No matter what my view is, He sees it all perfectly and clearly and with no fog.  I just praise God for that truth that I have in my heart and I am filled with such gratitude that even on the foggy days, God can fill my heart with joy and an understanding that He will never leave or forsake me and has plans for me that exceed my greatest expectations.  

           View from my window before sunset
                                Gorgeous sunset :)
This morning's foggy view

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