Friday, August 5, 2011

Circumcision of the heart

I have been pretty busy this week, and not much time to write... but I am reading through Romans right now.  I am on chapter 3 today, the one about God's righteousness.  It talks a lot about circumcision too, which is always kinda strange to read about but I think of it this way... in the Old Testament, they were physically circumcised as an act of the covenant.  But after Jesus came, the Old Covenant was wiped away and Jesus brought a new way of life.  We are no longer called to give sacrifices or to be circumcised physically, but I think we are called to be spiritually circumcised.  Circumcision is a cutting away of the flesh and after Jesus' ultimate sacrifice, we are called to circumcise our hearts and cut away our sinful flesh to live in a newness of life with Christ!  So even though all that stuff is from so long ago, it still applies to us as something we need to think about every day, reminding ourselves that we are a new creation in Christ, the old has passed away and the new has come!  

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