Friday, July 29, 2011

Waiting on the Lord

There is something about patience that mankind doesn't quite get.  I am speaking for myself, but for some reason, patience is one of the hardest things.  Maybe it is modern day technology and how our culture is so fast paced.  I get impatient if my internet is slow or if someone doesn't text me back right away sometimes or just waiting for things in general.  When I went to Israel earlier this summer and we walked on the roads Jesus walked on and saw how far it was in between towns, I realized how much time Jesus had to just walk and think and quiet his heart and talk to His Father... and have amazing conversations with His disciples I'm sure!  It took Him 4 or 5 days, and sometimes a week to walk from one town to another.  It makes me wish I was there with Him walking on those dirt roads learning about life and heaven and just seeing into the soul of our maker who was the most patient man who ever lived!  He wasn't in a rush, He spent time being still before the Lord and I want to apply that more to my life.  

I had a lot on my mind last night and I just really wanted some answers.  I asked God to show me a verse or give me something to calm my heart and direct me.  I opened up to a random place in the Bible and ended up turning to Psalm 142 and 143.  The beginning says, "With my voice I cry out to the Lord; with my voice I plead for mercy to the Lord.  I pour out my complaint before him."  And chapter 143 goes on to say, "Answer me quickly, O Lord!  My spirit fails!  Hide not your face from me... Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust.  Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul."  It was so amazing to me when I read those verses just because they were my feelings exactly and even though I didn't get a direct answer, I felt peace and knew that I wasn't alone because God directs my every step.  

I guess it just shows me that God always answers in His own time and if I can just learn patience and how to wait on the Lord, He will never fail me or let me down.  In fact the opposite, He knows exactly what I need and exactly when.  I'm just so grateful that He is in control and a constant help and encouragement to me in times of trouble and peace.  

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